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This document outlines the configuration best practices for the Ribbon solution covering the Ribbon G5 Line Access Gateway when deployed with Zoom.
The Ribbon G5 system is a Line Access Gateway (LAG) that provides high-density, low cost Plain Old Telephone Server (POTS) subscriber interfaces over copper pairs. The G5 system provides telephony interfaces to subscribers connected directly to the G5.
This guide contains the following configuration sections:
Captures the Zoom configuration.
It is not the goal of this guide to provide detailed configurations that will meet the requirements of every customer. Use this guide as a starting point and build the Ribbon G5 configurations in consultation with network design and deployment engineers.
This is a technical document intended for telecommunications engineers with the purpose of configuring both the Ribbon G5 and the third-party product.
To perform this interop, you need
This configuration guide is offered as a convenience to Ribbon customers. The specifications and information regarding the product in this guide are subject to change without notice. All statements, information, and recommendations in this guide are believed to be accurate but are presented without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and are provided “AS IS”. Users must take full responsibility for the application of the specifications and information in this guide.
The following aspects are required before proceeding with the interop:
The sample configuration in this document uses the following equipment and software:
Equipment/Device | Software Version | |
Ribbon Communications | Ribbon G5 LAG | 4.7.07 |
Zoom | Zoom Desktop app | 5.9.3(3169) |
Zoom Mobile app | 5.9.3(4247) |
This section covers the Ribbon G5 LAG deployment topology and the Interoperability Test Lab Topology.
Ribbon G5 Deployment Topology
The following lab topology diagram shows connectivity between Zoom and Ribbon G5 LAG.
Interoperability Test Lab Topology
This section provides instructions on how to configure a SIP Endpoint in a Zoom Web Portal (does not include steps for configuring Vendor Endpoint specifically).
To register a SIP Endpoint to Zoom Phone, start by creating a new common area phone in the Zoom web portal. See the Zoom support site for more information.
By default, support for a generic SIP profile is not enabled. If you don’t have the Other option, contact your Zoom sales representative.
This section provides instructions on how to configure a Vendor’s SIP Endpoint (does not include steps for configuring in Zoom Web Portal).
The Ribbon G5 system is a Line Access Gateway (LAG) that provides high-density, low cost Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) subscriber interfaces over copper pairs. The G5 system provides telephony interfaces to subscribers connected directly to the G5.
The G5 shelf is a single 23" wide, 10 rack unit (RU) high shelf. The shelf includes a chassis, backplane, optional fan module, and 26 card slots which can be equipped as follows:
The Controller Trunk Gateway card, referred to as the CTG card, also implements the common control mechanism for providing narrowband services. When you install two CTG cards, one is active and the other is standby in a 1:1 redundant pair.
G5 SIP using the CTG cards
The G5 uses Transaction Language 1 (TL1) protocol for provisioning and commissioning. TL1 is used in the input and output messages that pass between the Operating System (OS) and Network Element (NE). TL1 is defined in the Telecordia Technologies (formally Bellcore) Generic Requirements document GR-831-CORE.
The TL1 language consists of a set of messages. The TL1 messages follow a fixed structure and all commands must conform to that structure. TL1 commands for the G5 conform to the following syntax: a:b:c:d::[p];
The table below describes the TL1 command syntax:
TL1 Command Syntax | |
Parameter | Description |
a | TL1 Command Code |
b | Target Identifier (TID) or System Identifier (SID) – Unique name assigned to each system when it is installed. The recommended value is the Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) for the system. The TID can have a maximum of 20 ASCII characters. A null TID (that is, successive colons) can be used when the OS communicates directly with the Network Element. |
c | Access Identifier (AID) or User Identifier (UID) – Represents code used to identify specific components within the 5000LF (that is, shelf - slot) |
d | Correlation Tag (CTAG) – Unique identifier assigned to each input command by the user. When the 5000LF system responds to a command, it includes the command’s CTAG in the reply. Valid CTAG values can be up to 6 characters or decimal numerals with an optional non-trailing “.” Note: CTAG is required when inputting a command and the same value is displayed in the output. The same CTAG value does not have to be used with each command input. |
p | Parameter (Payload) block – The TID(SID), AID (UID), and CTAG route and control the TL1 command, while the optional parameter block provides any information required to complete the action requested by the command. |
; | Terminates each command. Note: A command is immediately processed when a semicolon (;) is typed; there is no need to press ENTER. |
Each CTG card has two Ethernet connectors and one RS-232 serial port connector on the faceplate of the card to connect to external equipment. The Ethernet connector labeled “CRAFT” is a 10/100BaseT connector and the Ethernet connector labeled “NETWORK” is a 10/100/1000BaseT connector.
The G5 System has two administrative software interfaces: a TL1 interface and a Web-based interface. This method will focus on the primary interface, which is the TL1 interface.
1. Using an RS-232 cable connected between the console terminal on the Laptop/PC and the DB9 serial port on the front of the active CTT/CTG card, access the Terminal Emulation Program (that is, Tera Term).
[Start] > [Programs] > [Tera Term] > [Tera Term]
2. Open the console connection and set up the serial port connection with the following parameters:
Setup > Serial Port (Tera Term)
Bit per Second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
If Tera Term is not available, use another terminal emulation program such as Putty or Secure CRT.
3. Click OK.
cttf5000lf login:
4. Enter the following at the Linux login prompt and press Enter.
cttf5000lf login: tl1s password: tl1s
TL1S in lowercase - case sensitive.
5. Press the semicolon ( ; ) key a few times to verify that the system is responding.
If you are connected to the active CTT/CTG card, the [ ] prompt will be displayed. If the [*] prompt is displayed, you are connected to the standby CTT/CTG card and the console cable needs to be switched.
6. Log into the TL1 interface with the default username/password (SUPERUSER/ADMIN.5).
[ ] ACT-USER:: SUPERUSER:<ctag>::ADMIN.5; Example Observation: [] ACT-USER::SUPERUSER:9::*******; 5000LF 10-11-19 00:37:31 M 9 COMPLD "SUPERUSER:2010-11-18,23-42-16,0,NO," /* WARNING: AUTHORIZED USE ONLY. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED! */
7. Proceed to Procedure 2.
Accessing the TL1 interface via Ethernet Port
8. Connect a straight-thru Ethernet cable between an Ethernet port on the Laptop/PC and the CRAFT port on the front of the active CTT card.
The active CTT card will have its STATUS LED on the front of the card illuminated (Green).
9. Navigate to the TCP/IP settings on the Laptop/PC and change the network settings to a value within the same subnet as the default settings on the G5.
Example Network Settings for Laptop/PC:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
The 5000LF has the following default network settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
10. Using your terminal emulation program, establish a ssh session with the G5 using the default IP Address and TL1 interface listening port.
HostName (or IP Address): []
ssh tl1s@
11. Press the semicolon ( ; ) key a few times to verify that the system is responding.
The [ ] prompt will be displayed indicating a connection to the active CTT card.
12. Log into the TL1 interface with the default username/password (SUPERUSER/ADMIN.5).
[ ] ACT-USER:: SUPERUSER:<ctag>::ADMIN.5; Example Observation: [] ACT-USER::SUPERUSER:9::*******; 5000LF 10-11-19 00:37:31 M 9 COMPLD "SUPERUSER:2010-11-18,23-42-16,0,NO," /* WARNING: AUTHORIZED USE ONLY. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED! */
End of procedure. Continue to “G5 Initial Provisioning”.
Perform the following procedure for initial provisioning.
1. Using your web browser, log into the G5 Web interface with default credentials.
2. Create a new folder titled "g5lag" and transfer the new G5 SIP load from an FTP server. Move the folder to the C directory on the laptop. Record the path name for use in step 7.
3. If using the laptop as an FTP server, obtain the IP address of the network. From the Windows(R) "cmd" prompt, enter ipconfig. Record the IPv4 Address for use in step 7.
4. Click on the SOFTWARE link under Update in the upper left hand corner of the Web page.
Software Update
FTP server
Swap button
When you select the Swap, button the active CTG card loads the new software and the standby CTG card reboots.
Select OK, then select the Reset button.
software update
After the CTs are updated, the POTS cards will automatically update individually to the new load. This can take a few minutes to complete.
Exit the Web interface by closing the browser session.
8. Log back into the G5 as SUPERUSER.
9. Enter the following at the Linux login prompt and press Enter.
cttf5000lf login: tl1s password: tl1s
tl1s in lowercase - case sensitive
10. Log back into the G5 as SUPERUSER.
11. After the CTG and POTS cards are updated, issue a RTRV-EQPT command and verify that all of the cards in the system are in service (IS) and that the software is displayed correctly.
• Enter: RTRV-EQPT:::9;
The correct software load should be displayed for each card in the equipment list. In this example, “AP=” should appear in the card information for CTA, CTB, and the POTS cards.
12. Set the system date and time via NTP Server. Note: Proceed to the next step if the NTP Server is not available. Reference the Network Engineering Specbook for Site Requirements.
[G5] ED-DAT:::<ctag>:::SOURCE=<NTP>, TZ=<timezone>, NTP1=<NTP1 IP Addr>, NTP2=<NTP2 IP Addr>, NTP3=<NTP3 IP Addr>, NTP4=<NTP4 IP Addr>;
Enter the timezone based on site location; the default timezone value is MT (US/Mountain).
Example: ED-DAT:::9:::SOURCE=NTP,TZ=CT,NTP1=,NTP2=,NTP3=,NTP4=;
13. Use the following command to enter DATE & TIME manually, if an NTP Server is not available.
14. Set the System Identification (SID) for the G5.
[G5] SET-SID:::<ctag>::<SID>; Example: SET-SID:::9::"Zoom-G5";
15. If SIP TLS and SRTP is to be enabled, load the customer provided SSL certificate .tar file. The customer provided certificate file is required for this step.
[G5] COPY-RFILE:::9:::TYPE=SIPTLS,IPADDR=<IP Address>, UID="FTP User ID",PID =<FTP User ID>,SRC="<certificate filename.tar>; Example: COPY-RFILE:::9:::TYPE=SIPTLS,IPADDR=,UID="ftpuser",PID="ftpuser",SRC="zoomcerts.tar";
The .md5 file is downloaded after the .tar file and the md5sum of the .tar file is computed and checked against the contents of the .md5 file.
16. ED-SIP. The Edit SIP (ED-SIP) command allows for modifying the parameter settings of the SIP DEFLT profile. Reference the Network Engineering Specbook for Site Requirements.
If the system will use the optional TLS/SRTP, use the command to set SSPORT=5061, and PROXY CERT, SSL CERT and SSLKEY to the customer provided certificates and key.
[G5] ED-SIP:[<tid>]:<aid>:<ctag>:::[SSIP=<ssip>][,SSPORT=<ssport>][,PROXYIP=<proxyip>] [,PROXYPORT=<proxyport>] [,IPPORT=<ipport>][,SOFTSWITCH=<softswitch>][,UAINFO=<uainfo>],[REGREFRESH=<regrefresh>] [,DISABLEDNS=<disabledns>][,TL[PRACK=<prack>],[TLS=<tls>],[PROXYCERT=<proxycert>], [SSLCERT=<sslcert>],[SSLKEY=<sslkey>]; For example: ED-SIP::DEFLT:9:::SSIP="10000500.zoom.us",SSPORT=5091,PROXYIP=,PROXYPORT=5091,SECPROXYIP=,SECPROXYPORT=5091,IPPORT=5070,SOFTSWITCH="G5Profile",UAINFO="G5Profile",REGREFRESH=3600,DISABLEDNS=Y, PRACK=Y,TCP=N,TLS=Y,MULTIPORT=N:;
17. ED-SIP. Use the Edit SIP command to configure the certificate to be used for TLS.
18. ED-DSP. Use the Edit DSP (ED-DSP) command to configure the bearer IP. Use ED-DSP to modify the parameters of the DSP DEFLT profile.
[G5] ED-DSP:[<tid>]:<aid>:<ctag>:::[IPADDR=<ipaddr>,][STARTPORT=<startport>]; For example: ED-DSP::DEFLT:9:::IPADDR=,DSPBIP=,STARTPORT=6000;
19. ED-MEDIA. Use the Edit Media (ED-MEDIA) command to modify the parameter settings of a Media Profile. i.e Codecs, Packet Rate, etc.
20. Provision a SIP Interface Group. Use the Enter Interface Group (ENT-IG) command to create a network-facing GR-303 or VoIP interface group on a CT card.
For example: ENT-IG::1-CT-IG-10:9:::IFTYPE=SIP;
This example is only applicable if there is a HOTLINE service profile added in the Custom Engineering Section of the G5 Specbook
21. Bring the POTS card into service.
[G5] ENT-EQPT: [<tid>]:<aid>:<ctag>::<type>:[DESC=<desc>]:[<pst>]; For example: ENT-EQPT::1-2:9::POTS::IS;
22. ENT-T0. Use the Enter T0 (ENT-T0) command to create a SIP Subscriber Identity on a POTS line. (Refer to Appendix F for SIP scripting.)
The SIP subscriber identity is also added in the EXPERiUS (A2) Provisioning Client.
23. ENT-CRS-T0. SIP Profile and T0 Termination (Subscriber Line) Association. You can accomplish this assignment (that is, “cross-connecting”) using the ENT-CRS-T0 command and by designating the <b1> “FROM” AID of the command to be the SIP VoIP IG to which the termination is to be associated. The <b2> “TO” AID of the ENT-CRS-T0 command will indicate the access-facing T0 termination. You can assign a group of terminations to the SIP VoIP IG using the double ampersand (&&) range notation in the <b2> “TO” AID of the ENT-CRS-T0 command.
For example: ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-1:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-2:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-3:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-4:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-5:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-6:9; ENT-CRS-T0::1-CT-IG-10,1-2-7:9; To check the cross-connects: [G5] RTRV-CRS-T0::1-1-ALL:9;
The following SpecBook example identifies the <b1> "FROM" AID and the <b2> "TO" AID. This is an example only; refer to the Project SpecBook for actual site configuration.
24. The Allow Switch Duplex Equipment (ALW-SWDX-EQPT) command enables the automatic or manual protection switching of the redundant controller card. Note: When this command is executed, the standby CT automatically resets.
For example: [G5] ALW-SWDX-EQPT::1-CT:9;
25. ENT-DIALRULE. Create a dial rule. The Enter Dial Rule (ENT-DIALRULE) command allows for creating a sequence of characters that describes a dial rule. The format must follow the digit map syntax rules of RFC 3525. Reference the Network Engineering Specbook to determine if applicable.
[G5] ENT-DIALRULE:[<tid>]:<aid>:<ctag>::<dialrule>[:DESC=<desc>]; For example: ENT-DIALRULE::STAR7:9::*XXXXXXXXX:DESC="STAR 7"; ENT-DIALRULE::STAR10:9::*XXXXXXXXXXXX:DESC="STAR 10";
26. Modify the DEFLT dial plan (digit map). The Edit Dial Plan (ED-DIALPLAN) command allows for modifying the DEFLT dial plan. A dial plan is made up of one or more dial rules. Reference the Network Engineering Specbook to determine if applicable.
27. ED-SNMP-TRAP. Configure the SNMP Traps. The G5 LAG will now support SNMP ‘traps’ to communicate alarm events to an SNMP listener (or GENView). Note: SNMP can be configured later if the information is not available at the time of commissioning.
[G5] ED-SNMP-TRAP:[<tid>]::<ctag>:::[IPADDR=<ipaddr>][,IPPORT=<ipport>], [COMMUNITY=<community>][,VERSION=<version>][,PID=<PID>]; For example: [G5] ED-SNMP-TRAP:::9:::IPADDR=,COMMUNITY="public",VERSION="2C";
Version 2C is the only SNMP trap version available in G5 SIP Release 3.0.
28. ED-SNMP-AGENT. Referring to the Network Engineering Specbook, review the setting for SNMP AGENT (default is disabled). To set SNMP-TRAP-AGENT enabled enter the following:
[G5] ED-SNMP-AGENT:[<tid>]::<ctag>:::ENABLED=Y,IPPORT=161, READ=g5snmpRD,WRITE=g5snmpWR; For example: [G5] ED-SNMP-AGENT:::9:::ENABLED=Y,IPPORT=161,READ="g5snmpRD",WRITE="g5snmpWR"; G5 15-12-21 11:09:21 M 9 COMPLD "ENABLED=Y,IPPORT=161,READ=\"g5snmpRD\",WRITE=\"g5snmpWR\",";
SNMP can be configured later if the information is not available at the time of commissioning.
29. Referring to the Network Engineering Specbook, change the IP address parameters on the G5 from their default values to their new values.
[G5] ED-IP:::<ctag>:::IPADDR=<IP Address>, NETMASK=<netmask>, GATEWAY=<Gateway IP Address>; For example: ED-IP:::9:::IPADDR=,NETMASK=,GATEWAY=;
When you enter this command, the system automatically resets the network interface, and connectivity to the TL1 interface will be lost.
30. To reset the shelf, re-enter the tl1s/tl1s user credentials and log back in with the ACT-USER command.
31. Enter the following command to reset the shelf:
INIT-SYS:::9::0; Y;
32. After the shelf has rebooted, establish an ssh connection to the G5 using a laptop connected to the Customer network. Use the IP address entered in step 29.
ssh tl1s@<IP Address> password: tl1s
33. Log back into the G5.
34. RTRV-SHELF (Retrieve Shelf Information)
The RTRV-SHELF command provides EEPROM information about the backplane of the specified G5 shelf. Note: The AID of the shelf must be 1-CT.
RTRV-SHELF (Retrieve Shelf Information) The RTRV-SHELF command provides EEPROM information about the backplane of the specified G5 shelf. Note: The AID of the shelf must be 1-CT. [ G5] RTRV-SHELF:[<tid>]:<aid>:<ctag>; Example: [DLLSTXWHRPA03308A05C] RTRV-SHELF::1-CT:123; DLLSTXWHRPA03308A05C 16-05-13 10:28:51 M 123 COMPLD "1-CT::NAME=G5 LAG,HW=B0,FRU=GBVW00TN B0,SN=KAU142601051,CLEI=SLMHS00DRA,FMANAME=0.0,FMAHW=0.0,FMAFRU=0.0, FMASN=0.0,FMACLEI=0.0:" ;
If the system returns "0.0" values for NAME, FRU, SN, or CLEI contact your next level of support.
Example: [DLLSTXWHRPA03307A05B] RTRV-SHELF::1-CT:123; DLLSTXWHRPA03307A05B 16-05-13 10:28:48 M 123 COMPLD "1-CT::NAME=0.0,HW=0.0,FRU=0.0,SN=0.0,CLEI=0.0,FMANAME=0.0,FMAHW=0.0,FMAFRU=0.0, FMASN=0.0,FMACLEI=0.0:" ;
35. Log off the system.
This section describes the command used for creating a backup of the provisioned database. Once the backup is complete, you can store the archive to a (*.tar) file that can be stored to or retrieved from an FTP server.
1. If required, log back into the system via either the Ethernet Port (Telnet) or Serial Port method used in Procedure 1.
2. Verify that the customer has a valid FTP server available for storing the backup files.
The Installation laptop may be used as the FTP server, but the backup file will need to be sent to the location specified by the customer.
3. Back up the database files.
[5000LF] COPY-RFILE:::<CTAG>:::TYPE=BACKUPDB,UID=<"FTP Server UserID">,PID=<"FTP Server Password">,IPADDR=<FTP Server IP Address>,DEST="<FTP Server directory location>"; Ex. [5000LF] COPY-RFILE:::9:::TYPE=BACKUPDB,UID="admin",PID="password", IPADDR=,DEST="/database/5000lf";
4. The archived database files are stored in a single tar file (*.tar) along with a checksum file (*.md5) for validation purposes. The files are successfully copied to the FTP server when the COMPLD response is displayed.
The files are in the following format: <SID>_<Serial Number>_DB_<Date>_<Time>.tar or .md5.
Example: 5000LF_55_DB_20110401_170025.tar and 5000LF_55_DB_20110401_170025.md5
This section provides instructions on how to resolve common issues. Below are examples of how to format etc. (if applicable).
SIP Registration Status = “Rejected by Server”
Definition: The server received the register request from the endpoint and responds with an unauthorized message.
SIP Registration Status = “No reply from Server”
Definition: The device is not able to communicate across the network to the phone server.
The following checklist depicts the set of features and services covered through the configuration defined in this Interop Guide.
Sr. No. | Supplementary Features and Services | Coverage |
1 | Basic Registration over TLS | |
2 | Basic Call Setup | |
3 | Basic Call Termination | |
4 | Call Hold/Resume | |
5 | Call Transfer - Blind (Cold transfer) | |
6 | Call Transfer - Consult (Warm transfer) | |
7 | Conference | |
8 | Group Call Pickup | |
9 | Call Park |
Supported | |
Not Supported | |
N/A | Not Applicable |
For any support related queries about this guide, please contact your local Ribbon representative, or use the details below:
For detailed information about Ribbon products and solutions, please visit:
For detailed information about Zoom products and solutions, please visit:
This Interoperability Guide describes a successful configuration covering Zoom interop involving the Ribbon G5 LAG. All the necessary features and serviceability aspects stand covered as per the details provided in this interoperability document.
All features and capabilities tested are detailed within this document - any limitations, notes or observations are also recorded in order to provide the reader with an accurate understanding of what has been covered, and what has not.
Configuration guidance is provided to enable the reader to replicate the same base setup - there may be additional configuration changes required to suit the exact deployment environment.
© 2022 Ribbon Communications Operating Company, Inc. © 2022 ECI Telecom Ltd. All rights reserved.